The useful and commonly used German conjunction "nachdem" is kind of special, because you need to use different tenses in the main and the subordinate clause. This can be Plusquamperfekt, Perfekt or Präteritum. In this video you will learn all the different situations when and how to use this "Konj...
In this German grammar lesson you will learn one of the 6 tenses which the German language has: das Plusquamperfekt - the German past perfect tense. It is used to talk about an event/action in the past which happened before another event in the past. Mainly used in written German, so... how importa...
The German prepositions "innerhalb" and "auĂerhalb" are both not only 2 genitive prepositions, but they can also be used as a time AND a local preposition. They also follow specific rules and are used differently in very specific situations. And sometimes we even add the dative preposition "von"......
The German language has 25 prepositions which always and in any situation take the dative case. In this video you will learn the Top 10 German dative prepositions which cover all German prepositions you need to know from A1 to B1 level... and actually even higher, because most of the the rest of th...
Where does the German adverb 'gern' stands in a sentence...? đ¤ A common problem for all level German learners and with this video we hope to bring light to this topic. The adverb 'gern' is very flexible when it comes to its position in a German sentence. However, there are certain rules (as always....
The words 'trotzdem' and 'obwohl' can be used for the same thing: If you want to express a contradiction in German. But what is the difference between those two and when do you have to use which? In this German grammar lesson you will learn all about 'trotzdem' & 'obwohl' explained in detail with e...
Instead of the German modal verb "mĂźssen" we do have a commonly used alternative called "Infinitivsatz mit nur/nicht brauchen + zu". Sounds very complicated but it is actually not that difficult. Specially in spoken German you will hear it very often, which makes it important to know. But there are...
In this video you will learn about all B1 level German dative verbs. Keep in mind that you do NOT need to memorize any accusative verbs. Just focus to memorize the dative verbs since pretty much all the rest takes the accusative case (except the 4 nominative verbs). And don't forget the bonus tip a...
In this German grammar lesson you will learn how to use the German conjunctions "je...desto". We will explain the grammar behind it, the sentence structure and lots of examples from easy to more complicated and longer German sentences with all kind of German grammar topics in it. And of course a bo...
In this video we try to answer this exact question. There are of course many factors which affect the time how long it will take you to learn German and this video will talk about those as well. You will also learn about methods and techniques, focus areas and vocabulary and grammar needed for each...