50 Must-Know German Separable Verbs | A1 - B1 b1.2 vocabulary

Almost 25% of all German verbs from A1 to B1 level are separable verb (trennbare Verben). And since they play an important role, you can learn the Top 50 German separable verbs right in this video. Take a pen and a piece of paper and write along with me, make your own list and afterwards make...

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How to express an intention in German | 3 different ways ✅ b1.2 grammar

If you want to express an intention, a purpose or a goal in German, you have several options. In A1 level you learn about the conjunction "weil" which answers the question 'why'. But in order to level up your German in B1 level you learn about 3 other ways to answer this question. In this video...

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German Relative Clause with WO & WAS b1.2 grammar

The German language has lots of different relative clauses which are not only commonly used, but will also make your life easier once you know how to use them. In this German grammar lesson you will learn about 2 relative pronouns, 'was' & 'wo', which are both much easier to use, than the...

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The German Conjunction NACHDEM explained 🎯 b1.1 grammar

The useful and commonly used German conjunction "nachdem" is kind of special, because you need to use different tenses in the main and the subordinate clause. This can be Plusquamperfekt, Perfekt or Präteritum. In this video you will learn all the different situations when and how to use...

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The German Past Perfect Tense | das Plusquamperfekt b1.1 grammar

In this German grammar lesson you will learn one of the 6 tenses which the German language has: das Plusquamperfekt - the German past perfect tense. It is used to talk about an event/action in the past which happened before another event in the past. Mainly used in written German, so... how...

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German Genitive Prepositions: innerhalb & außerhalb b1.1 grammar

The German prepositions "innerhalb" and "außerhalb" are both not only 2 genitive prepositions, but they can also be used as a time AND a local preposition. They also follow specific rules and are used differently in very specific situations. And sometimes we even add the dative preposition...

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How to say 'LIKE' in German | Difference: "gefallen" & "mögen" a1.2 vocabulary

If you want to express that you like or don't like something or someone you have quite a wide selection of possibilities in German. In this video you will learn all possible ways to say "to like" in German. After watching this German beginner lesson you will know about the situations when you...

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Top 40 German Irregular Verbs | B1 Level b1.2 vocabulary

In this video you can learn the Top 40 German irregular verbs for the B1 level. There are 121 irregular verbs in total (according to the official Goethe wordlist) but by just knowing those 40 here in this video you will be able to survive any B1 level text or conversation.

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The meaning of German prefixes for Separable Verbs b2.1 grammar

In this video we try to bring some light behind the meanings of the German prefixes used in separable verbs. Important! They do NOT apply to all verbs with those prefixes. Often you will come across prefixes in separable verbs which just can not be translated nor connected to any meanings.

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Master German Prepositions: Top 10 Dative Prepositions b1.1 grammar

The German language has 25 prepositions which always and in any situation take the dative case. In this video you will learn the Top 10 German dative prepositions which cover all German prepositions you need to know from A1 to B1 level... and actually even higher, because most of the the rest of...

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